My Song blog Uncategorized Hercules CA weight lifting training for woman, fitness exercise physical trainer in Rodeo CA. NICHOLAS SMITH FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER (510) 375-7227

Hercules CA weight lifting training for woman, fitness exercise physical trainer in Rodeo CA. NICHOLAS SMITH FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER (510) 375-7227



Ready to take the next step? Start by calling or emailing to schedule your free consultation!

personal trainer near me

With expertise in functional training, strength training, endurance training, and core training, Nick has helped clients achieve even the most difficult goals. He employs innovative training and motivational techniques that result in major body transformations. With a focus on functional movements that require little to no equipment, clients are able to train just about anywhere, without having to wait in a queue for gym equipment. (fitness)


If you’re like most people, you’ve been on a million weight-loss diets, from Weight Watchers and Atkins to South Beach and celeb diets. You voraciously read magazines for their weight loss tips and gravitate toward the headlines that promise you can lose weight fast. The chances are good that you have, indeed, lost weight on many of these diets, but the chances are even better that you’ve gained it all back – plus some. Your skinny jeans become your tight jeans, and then they get tucked in the back of your closet, along with your fantasies of becoming a size 0. (healthy eating)


“When I came to Nick I was over 300lbs. I tried doing all the other diet fads like Slimfast, The South Beach Diet, etc, but nothing really helped. I didn’t even like going out with friends anymore because I was so self-conscious about how I looked; however, after just one month with Nick, I lost almost 40lbs. I couldn’t believe it! Nick helped me so much and everyone at the gym was so positive and encouraging. They became an instant family and offered support. (weight loss)

Personal Trainer in Hercules CA, Weight Loss Physical Fitness Training in Hercules CA, Online Trainer, Fitness Training Gym in Hercules CA, National Academy of Sports Medicine in Hercules CA, Exercise Trainer Coach in Hercules CA


Our Address: 200 Parker Ave. Rodeo, CA 94572, Phone(510) 375-7227


Mon:11:00 AM – 12:00 AM

Tue: 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Wed:11:00 AM – 12:00 AM

Thu: 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Fri:11:00 AM – 12:00 AM

Sat:11:00 AM – 12:00 AM


10 real life diet tips

NICHOLAS SMITH FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER (510) 375-7227 Weight Loss Centers Near me Hercules, CA, Personal trainer near me in Rodeo CA, Pinole CA

Rodeo CA FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER: NICHOLAS SMITH FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER (510) 375-7227 With expertise in functional training, strength training, endurance training and core training

Weight Loss Centers Near me Hercules, CA, NICHOLAS SMITH FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER (510) 375-7227 Personal trainer near me in Rodeo CA, Pinole CA

Rodeo CA FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER:NICHOLAS SMITH FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER (510) 375-7227  With expertise in functional training, strength training, endurance training and core training

Are you tired of diet tips handed out by someone with apparently unlimited income and time? For some of us, it may just not be practical to spend half of our Sunday preparing carefully portioned meals for the rest of the week, or financially feasible to buy all our meals prepackaged in just the right portions. And there are those of us who cringe at the thought of weighing food to achieve ‘optimal portion sizes’. Here are ten real life diet tips for the rest of us.

1. Eating out? Restaurant portions tend to be enormous, and if it’s on the plate, we tend to eat it. If it’s possible, order from the kid’s menu, where portions are more reasonably sized.

2. Keep healthy snacks around and easily accessible. A bowl of fruit on the kitchen table, a container of celery or carrot sticks in the refrigerator, or a couple of pop-open cans of fruit salad in your desk at work will help you grab for something healthy when those first hunger pains begin. In other words, you’ll be more likely to grab something low-calorie and good for you if it’s easy to eat.

3. Substitute canned  for frozen vegetables. Canned veggies tend to be high in sodium, which you don’t need, and low in real nutrition, which you do. Buy economy size bags with zip closures to make it easy to pour out a single serving for a meal.

4. Buy a vegetable steamer. Steaming is one of the healthiest ways to cook vegetables. The food retains nearly all of its natural nutrients instead of leaching it out into the cooking water. Even better, it makes your veggies taste great – which means you’ll be more likely to eat them instead of filling up on fatty foods that pack on weight.

5. Never eat standing up. One of the easiest ways to sabotage your diet is to ‘eat without thinking’. Treat eating with the respect that it deserves. Fix yourself a plate. Sit down and eat properly. You’ll be less likely to just pop food into your mouth without paying attention.

6. Spread your meals out. When you eat three meals a day, your body tends to store whatever it doesn’t need right that moment. By adopting a ‘grazing’ habit, you’ll keep your metabolism working throughout the day. Have a small breakfast, a piece of fruit with crackers or toast at mid-morning, a light lunch and an ‘after school snack’ mid-afternoon. Just remember that you’re breaking up the same amount of food into smaller meals, not ADDING more food into your daily diet.

7. Grab a fruit juice or flavored water instead of soda. Soda is nothing but empty calories. No nutrients, lots of sugar. Instead, grab a bottle of 100% fruit juice, or water flavored with a spritz of fruit.

8. Drink water. Even the FDA recommends at least 8 full 8 ounce glasses of water a day to keep your body working right. When you’re dieting, you should drink even more. It’s not just that full feeling – water helps your body digest foods properly and cleans out your system.

9. Can’t afford a gym membership? Make a pact with friends to exercise together. Make a date at least three times a week to play volleyball, take a walk or spend half an hour doing something active.

10. Skip the potato chips. Fatty snacks fried in hydrogenated oil like potato chips contribute fat and calories and not much else. Instead, grab a handful of dried fruit or a cup of yogurt for the same amount of calories and a lot more nutritional benefit.

He believed in my abilities

“When I first started training with Nick, I can honestly say that that was the first time I had ever stepped foot into a gym environment. He was able to put up with all my complaining, my “I cants”, and my strong negotiating skills (with a smile on his face) and turn me into the gym rat that I am today.

I truly felt like he believed in my abilities, and with that feeling of reassurance I gained, he was able to create such a comforting environment in a place that I felt very uncomfortable. I have known Nick for some time now (about 5 years!) and I can honestly say that Nick is one of the best personal trainers I have ever had the privilege to train with.His ability to create fun and interesting workouts is only seconded to his encouragement and true belief that everyone is capable of whatever they put their mind to.

Cardio is important, but strength training is just as important!

“Nick is an excellent trainer. He’s knowledgeable, enthusiastic and supportive. I worked with him for 6 months. He helped me realize that my cardio routine was missing something… strength training! Yes, cardio is important, but strength training is just as important. I loved the challenging workouts that he put together because the kept me motivated. I was able to push past my boundaries and see that I was a lot stronger than I thought. Another key factor that helped in reaching my goals was the food. He put together a food plan that set the path for healthier eating habits. I’m very happy with what I was able to accomplish in the short time I trained with Nick.

If you’re serious about wanting to change your unhealthy lifestyle, call Nick and he will help you every step of the way!”


NICHOLAS SMITH FITNESS & HEALTH TRAINER (510) 375-7227 Personal Fitness Training in Hercules CA | Fitness Center, Dedicated 2 Fitness in Rodeo CA, Richmond CA




With expertise in functional training, strength training, endurance training and core training, Nick has helped clients achieve even the most difficult goals. He employs innovative training and motivational techniques that result in major body transformations.  With a focus on functional movements that require little to no equipment, clients are able to train just about anywhere, without having to wait in a queue for gym equipment.

In addition, Nick is committed to helping people break the cycle of a monotonous and sedentary lifestyle—showing them the tools to gain energy and increase overall well being through nutrition programs that help reduce, eradicate and prevent medical crises, while increasing energy, allowing better sleep patterns and less stress. And because he genuinely cares, he is able to help people overcome negative thought patterns and beliefs that limit them from achieving those goals. Over the years, his client base has ranged from inactive high school girls and single mothers/fathers to older, retired individuals just trying to keep active.

Nick is more than a buff body, for sure. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, and certification as a personal trainer from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He also holds specialty certification as a Fitness Nutrition Specialist with NASM. Committed to ever-increasing his knowledge and staying current, he is completing his MMACS (MMA Conditioning Specialist) with plans to add CES (Corrective Exercise Specialist), PES (Performance Enhancement Specialist), WLS (Weight Loss Specialist) and WFS (Women’s Fitness Specialist) under his ever growing belt.

In his own life, Nick’s commitment to physical fitness and healthy eating is fueled by his passion to remain active by playing competitive sports. Over his lifetime, he has been involved in baseball, soccer, gymnastics, volleyball and football. He is also an active reader, ardent gamer and loves nothing more than a good intellectual debate.


Learn more about Nicholas’ clients and how they have conquered their fitness goals.

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